Mary Morrison
Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority’s (TARTA) Board of Trustees President Mary Morrison has been named to the Transit Board Members Committee by the American Public Transit Association.
APTA advocates for public transportation on a national level and represents around 1,500 public and private organizations nationwide. The Transit Board Members Committee assists members of the governing boards of transit-related organizations across the nation in carrying out their obligations efficiently and effectively. It’s designed to provide a centralized forum for best practices, policy views, and professional development through the lens of APTA.
“It’s an honor to be named alongside so many people who have displayed a career-long dedication to the people who depend on public transportation, and to serve an organization like APTA,” said Morrison, who has served on TARTA’s Board of Trustees since 2019 and has been President of that board since December of 2022. “I am continually amazed at the leadership APTA shows in pushing forward the cause of mobility for people who truly need it most, so it’s a great honor to help in any way that I can.
“I am so proud of what (TARTA CEO) Laura (Koprowski) and her team have been able to accomplish in a short time and I look forward to more of the same in the years to come.”
Morrison came to TARTA with an extensive background in management and community engagement. She currently works in Faculty Affairs at The University of Toledo, and previously held leadership posts at Bowling Green State University and The Toledo Hospital Foundation. She is past president of the board of the Sylvania Prevention Alliance and currently serves on the board of the Gracefield Foundation and the University of Toledo Federal Credit Union.
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