All trips should be for essential reasons only such as commuting to work, grocery shopping, medical appointments and treatments, pharmacy visits, and participating in summer school lunch programs.
All passengers must use a facial covering and TARTA is able to provide these complimentary if needed.
TARTA offices and facilities are currently closed to the public until further notice.
TARTA is not collecting fares at this time to reduce interaction between riders and drivers.
Customers should board from the rear door of the bus.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends social distancing in public settings. Therefore, TARTA will limit bus capacity to 10 passengers and provide shadow buses for increased demand. Call-A-Ride service is limited to 2 passengers per vehicle.
Call-A-Ride is by reservations only and must be made by 3p.m. the day before the requested service by calling 419-243-RIDE (7433). For Monday service, reservations must be made by 3p.m. on Saturday. There are no walk on options. Customers are limited to one round-trip per day.
Detour and route updates sent directly to your mobile phone. To stop receiving text messages, reply LEAVE TARTA to the next message you receive from TARTA.
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