In conjunction with the Toledo Labor Day Parade, it has become necessary to create a detour from 830am until 1200pm for most routes. Buses may run late due to parade.
2, 5, 10L, 19, 20F, 20M, 22, 26, 27, 28A, 31, 32, 34 Lines
2 Inbound: Monroe St. to N. Erie St. (L) N. Erie St. to Cherry St. (R) back on route.
2 Outbound: Cherry St. to Summit (L) to Lagrange (L) to Huron (L) to Cherry (R) Spielbusch Ave (L) Spielbusch to N. Michigan St. (S) N. Michigan St. to Monroe St. (R) back on route.
5 Inbound: Monroe St. to N. Erie St. (L) N. Erie St. to Cherry St. (R) back on route.
5 Outbound: Cherry St. to Summit (L) to Lagrange (L) to Huron (L) to Cherry (R) Spielbusch Ave (L) Spielbusch to N. Michigan St. (S) N. Michigan St. to Monroe St. (R) back on route.
10L Inbound: Not affected.
10L Outbound: N. Huron St. to Orange St.(R) Orange St. to N. Erie St.(R) N. Erie St. to Cherry St. (L) Cherry St. to Spielbusch (L) Spielbusch to N. Michigan St. to Layfayette (L) to Huron (R) back to route.
19 Inbound: Not effected.
19 Outbound: Cherry St. to Summit (L) to Lagrange (L) to Huron (L) to Cherry (R) back on route.
20F Inbound: Not effected.
20F Outbound: N. Huron St. to Orange St.(R) Orange St. to N. Erie St.(R) N. Erie St. to Cherry St. (L) Cherry St. to Spielbusch (L) Spielbusch to Jackson (R) to 12th (R) to Woodruff (L) back to route.
20M Inbound: Not effected.
20M Outbound: N. Huron St. to Orange St.(R) Orange St. to N. Erie St.(R) N. Erie St. to Cherry St. (L) Cherry St. to Spielbusch (L) Spielbusch to Adams (R) back to route.
22 Inbound: Erie to Orange (R) to Huron (L) back on route.
22 Outbound: Huron to Cherry (L) to Spielbusch Ave (L) Spielbusch to N. Michigan St. (S) N. Michigan St. to Madison St. (R) back on route.
26 Inbound: Erie to Orange (R) to Huron (L) back on route.
26 Outbound: Huron to Cherry (L) to Spielbusch Ave (L) Spielbusch to N. Michigan St. (S) N. Michigan St. to Monroe St. (R) back on route.
27 Inbound: Adams St to Erie(L) to Orange (R) to Huron (L) back on route.
27 Outbound: Huron to Cherry (L) to Spielbusch Ave (L) Spielbusch to N. Michigan St. (S) N. Michigan St. to Washington St. (R) back on route.
28A Inbound: Via Newton to Collingwood to Erie (R) to Orange St. (R) Orange St. to N Huron St. (L) back on route.
28A Outbound: N. Huron St. to Cherry St. (L) Cherry St. to Spielbusch Ave (L) Spielbusch to N. Michigan St. (S) N. Michigan St. to Lafayette St. (L) Lafayette St. to Huron (R) to Market (L) to Superior (R) to St. Clair to Newton (L) back on route.
31, 32 Inbound: South to Broadway (L) to Western (L) to AWT (R) to Erie to Cherry (R) to Huron (R) back on route.
31, 32 Outbound: N. Huron St. to Orange St.(R) Orange St. to N. Erie St.(R) N. Erie St. to Cherry St. (L) Cherry St. to Spielbusch (L) Spielbusch to N. Michigan St. to AWT to Western (L) to Broadway (R) back on route.
(Smaller Shadow Buses will be used to connect passengers on E Broadway St. between Clayton St. and Western Ave.)
34 Inbound: Western to AWT (L) to Erie to Orange St. (R) Orange St to N. Huron St. (L) back on route.
34 Outbound: N. Huron St. to Cherry(R) Summit (L) to LaGrange (L) Huron (L) to Cherry (R) Spielbusch (L) Spielbusch to N. Michigan St. to AWT to Western (R) back on route.
(Smaller Shadow Buses will be used to connect passengers on E Broadway St. between Clayton St. and Western Ave.)
Monday 9-05-2022 from 830am until 1200pm.
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