For Immediate Release
September 14, 2022
Media Contact: Andy Cole
Communication and Marketing Manager
[email protected]
Office: 419.245.5213
Mobile: 567.249.5980
Twelve volunteers formed a not-so-dirty-dozen in the area around the Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) this summer, as TARTA’s Trash Troop placed first in Keep Toledo/Lucas County Beautiful’s Litter League for the second year in a row.
The Trash Troop topped the 37 teams signed up to participate in the league, which is a summer-long beautification project that encourages community organizations to form teams that pick up litter in their respective zip codes. Team TARTA members picked up and properly disposed of a total of 182 ½ bags of trash.
All told, community organizations participating in the Litter League collected 1,175 ½ bags of trash during 158 clean-up events.
“It is incredible to be a part of something like this,” said TARTA CEO Laura Koprowski. “The extraordinary effort put forth by so many people in our county to make the area we live in a little bit cleaner has had a measurable impact.
“We are proud to be a part of this community, and members of our team have stepped up to demonstrate that at every turn, whether it’s been demonstrating outstanding commitment to their day-to-day jobs or donating their time for wonderful things like the Litter League. We are so happy that so many of our team members find the value in giving back to this community.”
The Trash Troop picked up litter in the 43610 area code around TARTA’s Central Avenue garage, moving each Saturday up and down Jeep Parkway and Central and Detroit avenues.
As TARTA continues its transformation with a microtransit pilot and other changes involved with its redesign starting in 2023, it looks forward to building on its traditions of developing both sustainability initiatives and strong community partnerships.
TARTA provides a vital link in the Toledo metro area to jobs, education, health care and other destinations. It enables everyone in our community to have access to transportation regardless of their age, race, physical ability or economic background. TARTA is underway with exploring and introducing new initiatives and service options that will enhance convenience and customer experience while moving our region into the future of public transit.
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