For Immediate Release
March 8, 2023
Media Contact: Andy Cole
Communication and Marketing Manager
[email protected]
Office: 419.245.5213
Mobile: 567.249.5980
The Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) is proud to announce the addition of Joel Beren to its Board of Trustees representing Sylvania Township.
“As we move further into the 21st century, public transportation in the TARTA service area must become a primary driver of positive economic development,” said Mr. Beren. “Our local transportation network must be modern, affordable, accommodative, accessible to residents and viewed as an integral tool for employers and developers.
“If we can accomplish those objectives, the future of TARTA, Lucas County, northwest Ohio and Sylvania Township will exceed any of our expectations.”
Mr. Beren replaces James Caldwell, who resigned in late 2022. Mr. Beren served as President and owner of Cherry Picked Auto Parts in Toledo for 13 years, and prior to that as the Executive Director of Pelham Manor Senior Apartments. He was also an Executive Vice President for OmniSource Corporation, and was President of A. Edelstein & Son in Toledo for 19 years.
“I could not be happier to welcome someone of Joel’s experience and interest in public service,” said TARTA Board of Trustees President Mary Morrison.
“It’s an honor for me to work with leaders like Joel who are committed to joining the Board’s journey to transform TARTA into a quality and vital service for our customers and communities. With so much left to come from the TARTA Next project and a strong leadership team, we’re excited to have Joel be a part of what happens next here at TARTA.
“I also want to thank Jim Caldwell for his dedication to improve TARTA for the benefit of the community. In addition, Jim gave meaningful time and support to advocate for a new local funding source for TARTA and to expand the Authority’s service area to all of Lucas County.”
Mr. Beren’s service on the board is only the most recent example of his decades-long commitment to community service. He was the Chief Executive Officer of the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo and concurrently served as Executive Director of Pelham Manor, and was on the board of directors at MidAm Bank and Sky Bank of Bowling Green for 12 years. Mr. Beren was also the lay President of the Jewish Federation from 1997 to 2000.
“Public transportation investment is integrally associated with the economic development success,” Mr. Beren said. “Cities and metropolitan areas much regularly plan and develop transportation projects that are intended to attract new businesses to specific sites and support the growth of existing businesses.
“Imagine a time when the entire TARTA service area can boast one of the most utilized and interconnected public transportation systems in an American mid-sized city.”
TARTA’s Board of Trustees also includes:
TARTA provides a vital link in the Toledo metro area to jobs, education, health care and other destinations. It enables everyone in our community to have access to transportation regardless of their age, race, physical ability or economic background. TARTA is underway with exploring and introducing new initiatives and service options that will enhance convenience and customer experience while moving our region into the future of public transit.
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