For Immediate Release
December 21, 2022
Media Contact: Andy Cole
Communication and Marketing Manager
[email protected]
Office: 419.245.5213
Mobile: 567.249.5980
With forecasters predicting severe weather and difficult driving conditions for late this week, the Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) reminds customers that service will run on as normal of a schedule as possible through snow emergencies in Lucas and Wood counties.
Normal service will be in effect for fixed-route, TARPS paratransit and Call-A-Ride services under Level I and Level II snow emergencies. Delays may be forced by weather or road conditions, and customers are encouraged to monitor TARTA’s social media accounts for updates. Updates are also available by calling the TARTA information line at (419) 243-7433 or the TARPS information line at (419) 382-9901.
Under a Level II Snow Emergency, all bus lineups at TARTA’s Transit Hub may be moved to Cherry Street if personnel deem it necessary for safety. The public will be given as much notice as possible via social media and
Under a Level III Snow Emergency, TARTA and Call-A-Ride vehicles will operate on as close to a normal schedule as conditions allow.
Level III policy for paratransit services is that reservations will be canceled by TARTA if conditions are deemed hazardous. Only those going to or from dialysis or in life-threatening situations would be given consideration for rides.
View TARTA’s Snow Emergency Plan at
TARTA provides a vital link in the Toledo metro area to jobs, education, health care and other destinations. It enables everyone in our community to have access to transportation regardless of their age, race, physical ability or economic background.
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