For Immediate Release
April 13, 2022
Media Contact: Andy Cole
Communication and Marketing Manager
[email protected]
Office: 419.245.5213
Mobile: 567.249.5980
As Toledo gets set to host close to 2,500 runners for the Mercy Health Glass City Marathon, the Toledo Area Regional Transportation Authority (TARTA) is ready to help get them to the starting line.
TARTA has scheduled direct transportation between area hotels and the starting line near the University of Toledo for the marathon on Sunday, April 23. Transportation to the race and back to the hotel will be free for marathon competitors and $1.50 each way for other customers.
Buses heading directly to the event will depart from:
Return rides to each of the hotels from the University of Toledo Transit Center on S. Towerview Blvd. will leave at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., noon, 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.
Questions about race-day service can be directed to TARTA’s information line at (419) 243-7433, and questions about TARPS can be answered at (419) 382-9901. Both fixed route and TARPS services begin running at 6:30 a.m. on Sundays. For more on where and when TARTA travels, see
Detour and route updates sent directly to your mobile phone. To stop receiving text messages, reply LEAVE TARTA to the next message you receive from TARTA.
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