For Immediate Release
December 16, 2022
Media Contact: Andy Cole
Communication and Marketing Manager
[email protected]
Office: 419.245.5213
Mobile: 567.249.5980
The Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority’s (TARTA) Board of Trustees have elected Mary Morrison as president and Kendra Smith as vice president.
Morrison is Sylvania’s representative on the Board of Trustees and has served as vice president of the board since December of 2020. Smith joined the board in February of 2021 and is one of Toledo’s four representatives.
Waterville representative Kelsie Hoagland’s 2-year term as president has expired. She was the board’s vice president from December of 2019 to December of 2020, and is scheduled to serve on the board through at least December of 2024.
“This has truly been an exciting time for TARTA, and it is a privilege to have been a part of it and to continue serving on the board,” said Hoagland, who serves as a Public Information Officer for the Ohio Department of Transportation. “Customers have benefitted greatly from the hard-working members of Team TARTA and the dedication of the public servants on this board.
“An effective, efficient public transportation system expands employment opportunities and raises the quality of life of so many people. The team at TARTA has raised the standard for transit in the area. I could not be more excited to be a part of what happens next as this agency continues to take steps forward.”
Morrison came to TARTA with an extensive background in management and community engagement. She currently works in Faculty Affairs at The University of Toledo, and previously held leadership posts at Bowling Green State University and The Toledo Hospital Foundation. She is past president of the board of the Sylvania Prevention Alliance and currently serves on the board of the Gracefield Foundation and the University of Toledo Federal Credit Union.
Morrison has been a TARTA board member since 2019.
“Securing the levy passage in 2021 and correcting our funding structure was a game-changer for TARTA, and for the people who depend on us to reach essential destinations every day,” Morrison said. “TARTA continues to grow as a system and make improvements, and I’m honored that the board has shown this confidence in me as we all work to harness this momentum.
“TARTA’s CEO Laura Koprowski and her team have put so much work into helping build the transit system northwest Ohio needs and deserves. As the on-demand microtransit pilot kicks off next year, it’s going to be wonderful to continue to work alongside that team and greatly increase the number of people for whom public transit is a viable option.”
Smith is Vice President of Community Health at Bon Secours Mercy Health. She has also held leadership positions at ProMedica, Preferred Properties, Inc. of Ohio, the Toledo Museum of Art, and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning.
“I have always believed in the power of public transportation and what it can provide to a community, and my time on TARTA’s board has reinforced that belief,” Smith said. “I’ve talked to so many people in the last two years who have noticed the effort to transform this agency. The efforts to ramp up customer service and efficiency at TARTA have not gone unnoticed.
“From bringing back Sunday and holiday service to developing the 10-year plan, TARTA Next, TARTA’s team has shown an ability to make improvements and plan for the future based on information directly from its customers. It’s great to be a part of an organization on the move, and I look forward to serving the riders and businesses who depend on TARTA in this new role.”
TARTA provides a vital link in the Toledo metro area to jobs, education, health care and other destinations. It enables everyone in our community to have access to transportation regardless of their age, race, physical ability or economic background. TARTA is underway with exploring and introducing new initiatives and service options that will enhance convenience and customer experience while moving our region into the future of public transit.
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