For Immediate Release
July 27, 2021
Media Contact: Andy Cole,
Communications Manager
[email protected]
Office: 419.245.5238
Mobile: 567.249.5980
With an eye on ensuring the mobility needs of residents, employers and communities in Lucas County will be met for years to come, Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) leadership and board members will travel by bus to downtown Toledo Wednesday, July 28 to submit levy documents to the Board of Elections.
The TARTA Board of Directors voted unanimously last week to place a proposal on the fall ballot to repeal TARTA’s current local property taxes and replace them with a sales tax, in addition to welcoming Lucas County a new member of the transit authority.
TARTA leadership and board members will mark this historic occasion by traveling on the Route 20 bus route from TARTA’s Central Avenue headquarters at 10:30 a.m. They will arrive at the downtown Transit Hub at 612 N. Huron Street at 10:45 a.m., before joining supporters and employees in a walk to the Board of Elections office at One Government Center at 640 Jackson Street.
Passing the levy is a critical step to providing Lucas County with an effective and modern transit system ready to meet the continually growing needs of residents and businesses. TARTA is grateful for the confidence of the communities who voted to place this measure on the fall ballot, and excited for the chance to provide excellent service to those areas in the future.
TARTA leadership, employees, and supporters submit levy documents to Lucas County Board of Elections.
TARTA’s Route 20 bus, downtown Transit Hub, and One Government Center in Toledo.
Wednesday, July 28, 2021; bus ride from 10:30-10:45 a.m., submission of documents at 11 a.m.
TARTA will file levy documents at the Lucas County Board of Elections office, seeking to replace its current property tax with a sales tax. TARTA is the last major Ohio public transit system to be funded solely by a property tax and to not offer countywide service.
About TARTA TARTA provides a vital link in the Toledo metro area to jobs, education, health care and other destinations. It enables everyone in our community to have access to transportation regardless of their age, race, physical ability or economic background. TARTA is underway with exploring and introducing new initiatives and service options that will enhance convenience and customer experience while moving our region into the future of public transit.
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