DETOUR ALERT: Route 15 Suder
Due to a downed utility pole on Suder Ave, it has become necessary to create a detour.
Routes affected
Inbound: W. Alexi Rd. to Hagman Rd. (R) Hagman Rd. to Benore Rd. (L) Benore Rd to Suder Ave. (R) back on route.
Outbound: Suder Ave. to Benore Rd. (L) Benore Rd to Hagman Rd. (R) Hagman Rd. to Meijer entrance (L) back on route.
Bus stops affected
Inbound: 4 stops on Suder Ave. between Shorland Ave. and W. Alexis Rd.
Outbound: 4 stops on Suder Ave. between W. Alexis Rd. and Shoreland Ave.
Monday 06-26-2023