In conjunction with the African American Male Wellness 5K Walk/Run, it has become necessary to create a detour.
Routes Affected
5, 27, 33
5 Detour
Inbound: Via Dorr St, Detroit (L), Bancroft (R), Monroe (R), Collingwood (R), Dorr (L), back on route.
Outbound: Via Dorr St, Collingwood (R), Monroe (L), Bancroft (L), Detroit (L), Dorr (R), back on route.
27 Detour
Inbound: Via Nebraska, Detroit (L), Bancroft (R), Monroe (R), Collingwood (R), Dorr (L), back on route.
Outbound: Via Dorr St, Collingwood (R), Monroe (L), Bancroft (L), Detroit (L), Nebraska (R), back on route.
33 Detour
Inbound: Via Detroit, Bancroft (R), Monroe (R), Collingwood (R), Dorr (L), back on route.
Outbound: Via Dorr St, Collingwood (R), Monroe (L), Bancroft (L), Detroit (L), back on route.
Bus Stops Affected
5 Inbound: 8 stops on Dorr between Collingwood & Detroit
5 Outbound: 9 stops on Dorr between Collingwood & Detroit
27 Inbound: 14 stops on Nebraska/Collingwood between Collingwood & Detroit
27 Outbound: 15 stops on Nebraska/Collingwood between Collingwood & Detroit
33 Inbound: 11 stops on Indiana/Junction/Collingwood
33 Outbound: 10 stops on Indiana/Junction/Collingwood
Saturday 08-19-2023 from 900am lineup until approximately 1200pm lineup.
Detour and route updates sent directly to your mobile phone. To stop receiving text messages, reply LEAVE TARTA to the next message you receive from TARTA.
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