The Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) continues to invest in its workforce with its third operator graduation ceremony since late last year scheduled for Thursday, May 25. This week’s ceremony will see TARTA welcome its largest class of new drivers in decades.
A total of 21 operators will join TARTA’s ranks from 10-11:30 a.m. in the conference room at TARPS (130 Knapp Street, Toledo). A reception at TARPS will follow.
Speakers will include Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz, TARTA CEO Laura Koprowski, and Board of Trustees members Mary Morrison and Rev. Willie Perryman, in addition to other TARTA personnel.
“This is a group of well-trained, dedicated operators who are needed as we expand our array of services and grow,” said Jim Fight, TARTA’s Chief Human Resources Officer. “These individuals who have chosen a career connecting riders to their community and helping customers reach essential destinations.
“With the hiring of these operators, we’re at more than 80 hires on the road in the last year. Hiring qualified operators is a continual process for every transit agency, and with hiring incentives and paid training, we believe we have a lot to offer for people who want to make a positive difference for families in this great community.”
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