TARTA Detour Alert: 20-LIFTED
Due to a car accident on Central Ave., it has become necessary to create a detour for the 20. Routes Affected 20 IB and OB Detour Inbound: Via Central, Left on N. Cove, Right on Auburn, and a Left on … Continued
Due to a car accident on Central Ave., it has become necessary to create a detour for the 20. Routes Affected 20 IB and OB Detour Inbound: Via Central, Left on N. Cove, Right on Auburn, and a Left on … Continued
Due to road work on the railroad tracks on Manhattan Blvd., it has become necessary to create a detour for OUTBOUND only 16 units Routes Affected 16 Outbound only Detour Outbound via Manhattan to New York (R) to Summit (L) … Continued
Due to road work on Ottawa River Road and 284th street, it has become necessary to create a detour for 15E INBOUND trips. Routes Affected 15E inbound only Detour Inbound: Via Ottawa River road to 108th Street (R) following to … Continued
For Immediate ReleaseSeptember 6, 2022Media Contact: Andy ColeCommunication and Marketing [email protected]: 419.245.5213Mobile: 567.249.5980 TARTA Next Advisory Committee to Meet September 7 The TARTA Next Advisory Committee has spent the last 18 months helping the Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) … Continued
DETOUR ALERT: Labor Day Parade In conjunction with the Toledo Labor Day Parade, it has become necessary to create a detour from 830am until 1200pm for most routes. Buses may run late due to parade. Routes Affected 2, 5, 10L, … Continued
For Immediate ReleaseSeptember 1, 2022Media Contact: Andy ColeCommunication and Marketing [email protected]: 419.245.5213Mobile: 567.249.5980 TARTA Services Run Holiday Schedule On Labor Day Fixed-route, TARPS and Call-A-Ride services from the Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) will operate on a holiday schedule … Continued
For Immediate ReleaseAugust 31, 2022Media Contact: Andy ColeCommunication and Marketing [email protected]: 419.245.5213Mobile: 567.249.5980 TARTA Announces Grant Award, Prepares To Reach New Communities With Microtransit Public transportation is set to become a viable option for more residents of Lucas County, thanks … Continued
For Immediate ReleaseAugust 29, 2022Media Contact: Andy ColeCommunication and Marketing [email protected]: 419.245.5213Mobile: 567.249.5980 TARTA Wins $3.2 Million Grant From ODOT The Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA)’s plans to launch a microtransit pilot in Lucas County in the first quarter … Continued
Due to rail road work on Conant St., it has become necessary to create a detour. Routes Affected 31 line Detour Inbound: Not Affected Outbound: Meijer’s to Perrysburg Holland Rd.(L), Perrysburg Holland Rd. to W Dussel Dr. (L), W Dussel … Continued
For Immediate ReleaseAugust 25, 2022Media Contact: Andy ColeCommunication and Marketing [email protected]: 419.245.5213Mobile: 567.249.5980 TARTA, Lucas County Veterans Service Commission Team Up To Provide Free Transportation To Medical Appointments The Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) and the Lucas County Veterans … Continued
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