All meetings are at 130 Knapp Street, Toledo, Ohio. unless otherwise noted.
Board of Trustee Meeting: February 20, 2025 | Board Packet | Zoom Link |
Finance Committee: Chair: Rev. Dr. W.L. Perryman Held on the Second Thursday each month, unless otherwise noted. Meetings: February 13, 2025 at 3:00 PM |
Governance Committee: Chair: Lou Thomson Held as needed on the Second Monday of the month, unless otherwise noted. Next Meeting: TBD |
Policy Committee: Chair: Joel Beren Held quarterly on the Second Thursday of the month, unless otherwise noted. Next Meeting: April 8, 2025 at 4:00 PM |
Strategic & Operational Planning Committee: Chair: Kendra Smith Held on the Second Thursday each month, unless otherwise noted. Meetings: March 13, 2025 at 4:00 PM |
Nominating Committee: Held as needed. |
The Board of Trustees values the input of citizens and community members regarding all aspects of the Authority. This input is important because it allows the Board to hear all views on all matters. The public is permitted to offer comment on general matters pertaining to TARTA or TARPS prior to the introduction of pending resolutions at the beginning of the meeting. The public may also offer comment on the resolution being introduced when the President asks for discussion prior to the Board voting on the resolution. This allows for input before a passage of said resolutions. At the end of this time, the public comment period will be closed.
To ensure a quality public comment portion during Board meetings, including the meetings of any committees, all citizens, and community members who would like to speak before the Board shall abide by these general rules:
The general guidelines are established as a way to provide the maximum opportunity for Board members to listen to citizens and community members and provide an organized and structured procedure for feedback
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