TARTA Transit Hub
Effective immediately, no gasoline (internal combustion with a gas tank) bicycles will be permitted to be carried in or upon any TARTA vehicle. Please call 419-243-7433 for more information.
Your bike will take you far, but with TARTA you can go even farther. Bikes ride free on a special front mount bike rack and are on all fixed-line buses; so as a cyclist, we can help get you to the park, school, shopping or wherever you want to go.
TARTA has partnered with the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments and GohioCommute to make commuting with your bike easier than ever. Learn more about TMACOG Bike Month and how you can participate today.
TARTA fixed-route and Call-A-Ride vehicles are 100% bike accessible.
Find Your Route
All buses are equipped with either a 2- or 3-capacity bike rack.
Prepare your bike for loading. Remove water bottles, pumps, and other loose items that could fall off while the bus is in motion.
Passengers are responsible for loading, securing and unloading their bikes. The Bus operators will inform riders of the proper use of bike racks but will not load or remove bikes from the rack.
When loading a bike onto the rack, stay on the curb until the bus makes a complete stop and the bus operator is aware of your presence. Upon arrival at your destination, remind the bus operator that you are retrieving your bike. Once you remove your bike, if there are no other bikes on the rack please raise and lock the rack in the upright position.
If the bike racks are full, passengers wishing to travel with their bike will need to wait for the next bus.
Bikes are not allowed inside the bus unless they can collapse and be placed on your lap or under a seat without interfering with other passengers.
Detour and route updates sent directly to your mobile phone. To stop receiving text messages, reply LEAVE TARTA to the next message you receive from TARTA.
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