NOTICE: As of February 2025, Reduced Fare riders are no longer required to present a Reduced Fare Card to your driver. Instead, Reduced Fare Card users will retrieve a TARTA Card from Information Operators at TARTA’s Transit Hub (612 N. Huron Street).
The discounted fare can be paid with funds loaded on the TARTA Card, but doesn’t need to be. If paying a reduced fare with cash, users will need to run the TARTA Card over the scanner in the front of the bus, and then pay their fare as usual.
You will no longer need to reapply for your Reduced Fare Card. Once you have picked up your TARTA Card, you qualify for a Reduced Fare ride as long as you need one.
Beginning February 21, 2025, cards will no longer be mailed out to Reduced Fare users. If you lose a Card, a replacement can be picked up at TARTA’s Transit Hub for $5. If your current Reduced Fare Card is about to expire, please replace it by picking up a TARTA Card at the Transit Hub.
Any questions can be directed to Information Operators at the Hub or by calling 419-243-RIDE (7433).
TARTA has made the process simpler for our customers by making the following improvements in February 2025:
English Reduced Fare Application
Chinese Reduced Fare Application
Spanish Reduced Fare Application
Solicitud del Programa de tarifas reducidas
Arabic Reduced Fare Application
طلب برنامج الأجرة المخفضة
If unable to print an application, pick one up at TARTA’s Transit Hub.
How would paying with the TARTA Card change how I board?
TARTA Card holders will simply tap their card or smartphone over the EZfare reader at the front of bus upon boarding. The TARTA Card will display your reduced fare entitlement whether or not you use it for payment.
How can I load my fare on the card?
You will be able to load cash on to the card at TARTA’s Transit Hub and other area locations via Vanilla Direct. You will still be able to pay via cash or pass on board and by using EZfare if you wish. The TARTA Card is simply a way for your reduced fare entitlement to be linked to your rider account.
Can I use the EZfare or Transit App?
The TARTA Card, EZfare and Transit App are always to pay. No matter which form of Tap & Ride you choose, please utilize the same method each time you ride.
If I lose my TARTA Card, can I get those funds back?
TARTA always recommends you create an account and add the TARTA card to it before use. This will allow all funds to be associated with a specific email and enable TARTA staff to help with issues like this. If your card is lost and you do not have an EZfare account, you will not be able to recover those funds.
I’m having issues with my TARTA Card and/or EZfare accounts, who can I talk to?
All of TARTA’s customer service will be trained to handle questions and concerns. You can reach TARTA by calling 419-243-7433 (RIDE).
Can I still buy reduced fare passes at the Hub?
Yes , just bring your TARTA card with you the staff will scan it to ensure your are in the reduced fare program and you can purchase your passes.
Please direct any questions relating to the Reduced Fare program to or TARTA’s Information Line
at 419-243-7433 (RIDE).
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