TARTA is revising the way it handles Reduced Fare Card replacements and boarding for Reduced Fare Card users, changes designed to make taking advantage of the program easier.
Effective immediately, it will no longer be necessary to present your Reduced Fare Card to your driver to receive the reduced fare. Instead, Reduced Fare Card users will retrieve a TARTA Card from Information Operators at the Transit Hub (612 N. Huron Street).
The discounted fare can be paid with funds loaded on the TARTA Card, but doesn’t need to be. If paying a reduced fare with cash, users will need to run the TARTA Card over the scanner in the front of the bus, and then pay their fare as usual.
You will no longer need to reapply for your Reduced Fare Card. Once you have picked up your TARTA Card, you qualify for a Reduced Fare ride as long as you need one.
Beginning February 21, cards will no longer be mailed out to Reduced Fare users. If you lose a Card, a replacement can be picked up at TARTA’s Transit Hub for $5. If your current Reduced Fare Card is about to expire, please replace it by picking up a TARTA Card at the Transit Hub.
Any questions can be directed to Information Operators at the Hub or by calling 419-243-RIDE (7433).
Applications will be updated on the TARTA website before February 21. Find out more at https://tarta.com/reduced-fare/.
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