A routine service call on a TARPS vehicle became anything but that for one TARTA mechanic, who went above and beyond to help a stranger Feb. 6 outside of Walmart on Toledo’s Central Avenue.
Ken Brockman used an extinguisher from the TARPS vehicle to put out a fire in a nearby car before more damage could be done or anyone could be harmed.
“Every one of our vehicles has an extinguisher on it, and this is of course why that is,” he said. “You never know when you or someone else is going to need it.
“Something like that, it’s never something you think you’re going to be involved in, but things happened so fast. I think anyone I work with would have done the same. It was nice to be in position to help someone.”
As the car’s owner attempted to pour water on the fire and others stood around filming with their phones, Ken took the fire extinguisher from the TARPS vehicle.
“It took a minute to figure out what was happening,” he said. “With the fire being near the back of the car it really could have been trouble, and I thought for a second ‘am I doing something really dumb?’ But I emptied the extinguisher into it.”
Thanks to Ken for his quick thinking, his willingness to put himself in harm’s way, and for being a shining example of the excellence displayed every day by members of Team TARTA.
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