As businesses in the area continue to grow and commute costs continue to increase, the Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) is working on building a partnership to reduce expenses for commuters. In partnership with Commute with Enterprise, TARTA’s vanpool program aims to provide an innovative and sustainable shared mobility option.
The Commute program is a coordinated vanpool program available to people who live inside TARTA’s service area of Lucas County and Rossford. The program coordinates participants who indicate their interest through various channels such as at their jobsite or via an online portal. The program then matches riders who have similar work shifts in similar areas and are interested in riding together.
Each vanpool is customized to the specific needs of the group. Once four or more people are matched, a Commute with Enterprise representative will work with the group to identify needs and provide solutions. Commute with Enterprise provides the 7-15 passenger vehicle, insurance, maintenance and ongoing support. This program is a continuation of previous vanpool efforts, with TARTA partnering with Commute with Enterprise to build the program back to pre-pandemic levels and beyond.
“This partnership with Enterprise is one more way for TARTA to connect people with the destinations that matter,” said Rick Bailey, TARTA’s Chief Customer Experience and Mobility Officer. “Through this program, we can support the employment needs of local businesses in our community, and reintroduce an efficient form of public transportation that was successful in this area prior to the pandemic.
“Close to 80 percent of the people riding TARTA are on their way to a job, a medical appointment or the grocery store. Anything we can do to make it easier for commuters to reach these essential destinations is something we’re happy to do. We’re grateful to Enterprise for this partnership, and we look forward to building on it in the future.”
The vanpool program will be partially subsidized by TARTA using state and federal grant funds. The remaining cost is split among the employer and/or participants, with each vanpool rider paying a set fee per month. Enterprise will provide coordination services and technology, vehicles, liability insurance, scheduled vehicle maintenance, and 24-hour roadside assistance.
Participants can choose a qualifying vanpool vehicle from Enterprise’s selection of makes and models that includes crossovers, SUVs, minivans, and large passenger vans.
Lucas County or Rossford residents interested in joining the program can visit For more information, contact Katie Arbeiter of Commute with Enterprise at [email protected] or Andy Cole of TARTA at [email protected].
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