The Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) joins Ohio’s 62 other public transportation agencies in celebrating Ohio Loves Transit Week, which runs Feb. 9-15.
As part of Ohio Loves Transit Week – facilitated by the Ohio Public Transit Association – all TARTA fixed-route, paratransit and TARTA Flex services will be free of charge on Tuesday, Feb. 11, as approved by TARTA’s Board of Trustees at Thursday’s meeting.
“We take our commitment to the people who depend on our service very seriously, and the same goes for our sister transit agencies all over the state,” said TARTA CEO Laura Koprowski. “Statewide, these organizations provide close to 60 million trips a year. The commitment of those who provide that service deserves to be recognized.
“Transit continues to drive sustainability and provide an affordable ride to critical destinations for those who may not otherwise have one. Mobility for all citizens is something worth investing in, and we are happy to provide free rides for our own passengers as part of this celebration.”
TARTA leadership and trustees will travel to Columbus during Ohio Loves Transit Week to meet face-to-face with state legislators and speak about the importance of public transportation and the value of properly funding transit.
Another Ohio Loves Transit Week event will take place Saturday, February 8 in celebration of Rosa Parks Day. Families will be able to take part in group reading of a story on Rosa Parks at 11:30 a.m. at the Mott, King Road, Heatherdowns and Holland branches of the Toledo Lucas County Public Library. Guest readers will include TARTA CEO Laura Koprowski, Ohio state legislators Elgin Rogers and Josh Willliams, and representatives from the Toledo Chapter of the NAACP.
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