TARTA continues to look for ways its routes and services can evolve to better serve northwest Ohioans on their way to work and other essential destinations. TARTA’s Winter Service Changes increased service to Lott Industries for those working there, and shifted the way that service was delivered.
TARTA’s crosstown Route 3 – which previously had only traveled to Lott every other trip and on a varied schedule – now runs every 60 minutes, with every trip stopping at both Lott and near Swan Park Apartments on Brookview Drive.
“This has been a wonderful change for the people who use TARTA to get to and from Lott,” said Lott Industries Director of Human Resources Karen Carmody. “We have many employees that use assistive devices utilizing TARTA , so anything that can be done to make it easier for them is wonderful.”
“The change has been fantastic, and it’s good to know that our community partners and service organizations like TARTA are listening to concerns and responding to those in a way that benefits our employees.”
Outside of the major time changes to Route 3, TARTA’s service adjustments for the winter – which took effect Jan. 5 – included small changes to routes 5C, 14 and 27N, as well as a small routing change on Route 20F Inbound.
TARTA makes changes to routing or timing on a quarterly basis in response to public requests or concerns, and to make existing service more sensible, accessible and efficient, based on available vehicles, operators and other resources.
“There are a number of employees at Lott Industries who depend on TARTA, whether that means they’re taking fixed route or paratransit, and we want to make things easier in any way we can,” said Gary Doran, Planning and Service Development Manager at TARTA. “We are not just a transit agency, we are a part of this community, and it is so important that we keep in mind where people are going, why they go there, and adjust our service accordingly.”
“The majority of the people using TARTA are using it to reach work, medical appointments or grocery shopping. While we aren’t able to accommodate every request, we are always looking for ways to be more efficient when connecting people with what are essential destinations in their day-to-day lives.”
In 2025, TARTA plans to host a series of job fairs in partnership with businesses on specific routes.
Requests for adjustments to TARTA routes, timing or drop-off points may be submitted to [email protected].
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