The TARTA Customer Advisory Committee (CAC) is an all-inclusive group of volunteers from our current and/or past ridership who will participate in providing recommendations, insight, and advice from the prospective of the rider in the areas of planning, operations, services and other TARTA matters that impact the customer experience. The Customer Advisory Committee (CAC) members will also provide outreach of TARTA’s services within their own community. The CAC’s feedback may be incorporated into TARTA’s decisions and policies in order to improve customers’ experiences.
Potential committee members must meet the following criteria:
Meetings will be held bi-monthly unless otherwise noted. These meetings are open to the public but only committee members will have the opportunity to speak or vote.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Mott Library – 1010 Dorr Street, Toledo (Fixed Route #5)
Upcoming Meetings:
Any eligible person seeking an appointment may apply to be considered at any time. Complete the application form below for consideration. Committee members will be appointed by TARTA’s Board of Trustees.
Please fill out and submit the form below.
TARTA has gone paperless. However, if you prefer a paper application, you may print (link) and email a completed application form to [email protected].
Detour and route updates sent directly to your mobile phone. To stop receiving text messages, reply LEAVE TARTA to the next message you receive from TARTA.
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