TARTA Transit Hub
Your comfort, safety, and convenience come first with us. Here are a few tips to make the trip more efficient for you and all riders.
While you are using TARTA vehicles and facilities, these activities are forbidden by law or regulation.
TARTA routes are listed numerically in the transit guide and identified by the route number. Time points, numbers in square boxes, indicate where buses stop along the route.
Please note: Route numbers divided by route letters are shown as dashed lines on the map. Always pay close attention to evening, weekend and holiday routes as they tend to change from weekdays. Major cross streets are shown by a gray line. All routes stop at the TARTA Transit Hub at the corner of Huron and Cherry.
All language assistance services for Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority programs and services, including paratransit functional assessments and paratransit eligibility appeals, are provided to the public at no charge.
Detour and route updates sent directly to your mobile phone. To stop receiving text messages, reply LEAVE TARTA to the next message you receive from TARTA.
Follow TARTA socially to get the latest news, bulletins and updates from your local public transit agency.
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