TARTA Transit Hub
The Locally Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan (LOCHSTP) for the Toledo Urbanized Area was prepared by the Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) and the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG). The purpose of the plan is to identify community resources for transportation. Coordination of health and human service providers and public transit has been demonstrated to reduce costs and increase access to services for older adults, individuals with disabilities, and other transportation disadvantaged populations.
The plan is a Federal Transit Authority (FTA) requirement for Specialized Transportation § 5310. Organizations who wish to apply for § 5310 funds, must participate in the plan process. Additionally, for projects to be eligible for § 5310 funds, they must be included in the plan. The § 5310 program aims to enhance the mobility of seniors and individuals with disabilities. The program provides grant funds to non‐profit organizations, government authorities, and public or private transportation providers. The § 5310 funds can be used for vehicle purchases, mobility management services, technology improvements, infrastructure improvements, and operating costs.
During the most recent planning and public engagement process six (6) goals were identified. These goals are listed below.
Goal #1: Promote and expand the local mobility management program.
Goal #2: Improve paratransit and senior transportation services in the region.
Goal #3: Improve access to employment.
Goal #4: Continue to identify gaps and needs in transportation.
Goal #5: Incorporate new technology to make using the transportation services more inclusive for all users.
Goal #6: Improve information sharing to transit users.
For more information about our partner, The Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG), please visit http://tmacog.org.
If interested in being included as a participant of the LOCHSTP or to provide further comments or questions email [email protected]
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