TARTA is thrilled to be the Transportation Partner of Toledo Jeep Fest, which brings tens of thousands to people to downtown Toledo every year to celebrate the Glass City’s role in an iconic brand.
TARTA’s Jeep Fest Express on Saturday, August 3 will allow customers to enjoy the parade without worrying about parking or traffic. For just $1.50 each way, park at Franklin Park Mall or Starr Elementary School in Oregon and take an express trip to the parade route downtown.
Direct trips from Franklin Park Mall or Starr Elementary to downtown will begin at 8:30 a.m. and run every 30 to 60 minutes until the final Express trip heads to Jackson and Huron streets at 1 p.m.
Trips from Jackson and Huron Streets in downtown Toledo back to Franklin Park Mall or Starr Elementary will also leave every 30 to 60 minutes, with the first trip leaving downtown at 10:30 a.m. and the final trip leaving the festival area at 4 p.m. A full schedule will be available soon.
Park at Franklin Park Mall for Jeep Fest and win! TARTA’s Jeep Fest Express heads directly to the parade route from Franklin Park Mall on Saturday, August 3 for just $3 round trip. The TARTA Jeep Fest Express will pick-up and drop-off near JCPenney, near Royer Road.
The first 100 riders from the Mall location, from 8 – 11 am, could win great prizes including Franklin Park Mall store gift cards or Jeep Fest swag simply by picking a TARTA Duck from the pond. In addition, the first 150 people to ride will receive a FREE appetizer from Black Rock Bar and Grill.
Duck pond will be open until 11 a.m., or while prizes last.
TARTA’s paratransit division will be providing ADA service for all of the downtown events highlighted during Toledo Jeep Fest, including the parade on Saturday, August 3, 2024.
Clients may book their paratransit ride to Jeep Fest by calling the Customer Service Representatives at 419-382-9901, Option 1. Be sure to inform them that you are booking a ride for Jeep Fest.
All paratransit drop off and return rides will be scheduled for The Jackson & Huron Jeep Fest Express stop.
Cost: $3.00 per trip.
Available in the iPhone App Store, Google Play and online, the EZfare App allows riders to purchase daily, weekly or monthly passes online or through their mobile phones.
The EZfare app supplements all existing fare purchase locations and options.
The app is designed specifically for public transit users – meaning once a ticket is purchased, it is available even without an internet connection, so riders without data plans or limited data plans, are always able to travel.
On Saturday, August 3, 2024, there will be several TARTA route detours in place to accommodate for Jeep Fest. For the full list, click here.
Detour and route updates sent directly to your mobile phone. To stop receiving text messages, reply LEAVE TARTA to the next message you receive from TARTA.
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