For Immediate Release
September 14, 2021
Media Contact: Andy Cole
Communication and Marketing Manager
[email protected]
Office: 419.245.5213
Mobile: 567.249.5980
Grants from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) will help to make the Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) a more efficient transit system, thanks to overdue technology upgrades.
TARTA has secured more than $3 million in state and federal grant funds to address several long-neglected areas of technology critical to the day-to-day business of the transit system. The funding will go to a variety of projects ranging from the way the Authority orders parts and pays bills to the way it communicates with riders to how it measures who steps on the bus.
“These are badly-needed upgrades to every facet of our system, which has suffered from years of neglect and lack of investment,” said TARTA CEO Kim Dunham. “As we catch up on these systems with improvements that most transit agencies around the nation were able to make years ago, riders will see a marked improvement made possible only by these upgrades.
“This is the next step in TARTA’s reinvention. The people who depend on public transit in Toledo and Lucas County deserve an efficient and affordable system. Changes to the technology available to us will help make that possible.”
The grants from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) cover:
“These grants are going to expand on the data we are able to collect and help us better determine what to do with that data,” Dunham said. “We pride ourselves on good stewardship of the taxpayer funds we receive, and these technology upgrades are going to allow us to ensure we are using those public funds in the best manner possible.”
With these upgrades and more to come, TARTA looks forward to keeping passengers informed and on their way to their way to their destinations.
TARTA provides a vital link in the Toledo metro area to jobs, education, health care and other destinations. It enables everyone in our community to have access to transportation regardless of their age, race, physical ability or economic background. TARTA is underway with exploring and introducing new initiatives and service options that will enhance convenience and customer experience while moving our region into the future of public transit.
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