TARTA Transit Hub
Reminder: any bus stop with cones in the street is closed for pick-up or drop-off even if construction is complete. The bus stop will reopen when the cones are removed.
Due to a MLK Bridge Closure, it has become necessary to create a detour.
Routes Affected: 14 line
Inbound= Via Front St., Craig St Bridge (L), Summit (L), Locust (R), Huron (L) into line up
Outbound= = Via Cherry St to Summit (L), Craig St. Bridge (R), Front St. (R) back on route
Bus Stops Affected
Inbound= 2 stops on MLK Bridge
Outbound= 2 stop on MLK Bridge
Routes Affected: 12 line
Detour: Inbound= Via Front St., Craig St. Bridge (R), Summit (L), Locust (R), Huron (L), into the line up; Outbound= = Via Cherry St to Summit (L), Craig St. Bridge (R), Front St. (R), E. Broadway (L), back on route.
Bus Stops Affected: Inbound= 3 stops on Front, Outbound= 3 stops on Front
Routes Affected: 2E (Oregon) line
Detour: Inbound= Via Main St. to Front (R), Craig St Bridge (L), Summit (L), Locust (R), Huron (L), Cherry (L) into line up. Outbound= = Via Cherry St to Summit (L), Craig St. Bridge (R), Front St. (R), Platt (L), 2nd St. (R), Main St (L) back on route.
Bus Stops Affected: Inbound= 2 stops on MLK Bridge; Outbound= 2 stop on MLK Bridge
Duration: Tuesday, March 4, 2025 until approx. Sunday, March 9, 2025.
Due to sewer repair on Arlington between Francis and National a detour is necessary.
Route 33 Inbound: Detroit (L), South (R), Woodsdale (R) and Arlington (L) for regular route.
Route 33 Outbound: via Arlington, Woodsdale (R), South (L), Detroit (L), and Arlington (R) for regular route.
Bus stops affected: IB 3 Stops between Detroit and Woodsdale; OB 4 Stops between Woodsdale and Detroit
Duration: 2/6/25 – Unknown
Routes 2, 5, , 17, 27, 31, 32 & 34: Detour at Transit Hub, Estimated 3 months from 8/24/2024, updated 10/25/2024. Real time info.
Routes 31 & 32: Broadway: Revised 12/9/2024. The Toledo Zoo is accessible by bus again via Route 31. Real time info
Route 20F: Woodruff. 10/31/2024 – Unknown. Real time info.
Detours are updated to the best of our ability and can be found here. For more detailed route planning or for immediate assistance, please call TARTA’s Information Line at (419) 243-7433. Other feedback can be sent to [email protected].
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